100 famous quotes

100 famous quotes and aphorisms, a great selection of memorable immortal quotes from authors of all times edited for the World of English by Carl William Brown Time is very slow for …

Language and Thought

Language and Thought from The Psychology of Thinking by Robert Thomson, with some very interesting quotes about language and philosophy by Ludwig Wittgenstein. Every discourse on language, art and words has a …

The power of stupidity

The power of stupidity, an article by Giancarlo Livraghi that analyzes the complex phenomenon starting by the 5 laws of stupidity by professor Carlo Cipolla. Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number …

On Investing story

On investing story, a short revealing text from the book by John Neff On Investing that explains the secrets and the rules of safe and profitable investing art. My whole career, I …

English for business

English for business, trade and finance. Marketing, money, commerce and letter writing, a complete short summary course (Free PDF) for schools and universities, but not only for students. Economics is the social …

On reading

On reading. A short essay by Isaac Disraeli from the book Literary Character of Men of Genius, a very interesting text that you can freely read with great profit. There is an …