John Florio quotes
John Florio quotes, proverbs and aphorisms. If this done it may please you, as I wish it may, and I hope it shall, I with you shall be pleased. Though not, yet …
John Florio quotes, proverbs and aphorisms. If this done it may please you, as I wish it may, and I hope it shall, I with you shall be pleased. Though not, yet …
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, a very good stock for traders and investors looking for a real good investment for the future, at least we hope so. For more than a century, patients, caregivers …
Carl William Brown Quotations (Part 1), various quotes, ideas, opinions, thoughts, aphorisms and wits, by Carl William Brown, the Daimon Club literary avenger. If you think of the success of the majority …
100 admirable quotes and aphorisms by famous and great authors and writers to help improving your ideas and thoughts, to inspire and motivate your behavior, to foster your critical abilities. The only …
The essence of aphorisms, an article that explains the laws of aphorism by James Geary with an introduction of Carl William Brown on this kind of literary and philosophical original genre. The …
Daimon origin and meanings, character and destiny, the history of etymology and evolution of the concept, from the ancient Greece of Socrates and Plato to Hillman’s psychology and Brown’s methodology. “… We …
Great quotes on quotations, best aphorisms or ideas by famous authors, artists and writers on the shortest and wittiest philosophical form of literary expression. Since brevity is the soul of wit, and …
100 excellent quotes and aphorisms by great and famous authors to inspire your thoughts, give new life to your ideas and stimulate your critical thinking skills. Power is not a means, it …