100 best quotes

100 best quotes and aphorisms by great and famous authors and writers edited for the World of English blog by Carl William Brown, a sincere literary avenger. Aphorismus est sermo brevis, integrum …

The putrid war

The Putrid War, or the war of Putler, that is a series of short and definitive reflections with some aphorisms on the war in Ukraine, unleashed by the cruel and ferocious Russian …

Quotes on war

Quotes on war, aphorisms, quotations, ideas, and famous sentences by great authors and writers about the stupidity of every war and the cruelty of armies and soldiers. Iustum est bellum, quibus necessarium. …

Surrealism and Dadaism

Surrealism and dadaism, an article that explains the essence of this revolutionary eclectic art with the quotes of some founding members of the movements. N’en doutez pas, ce sont les ennemmis de …

Call me Putrid

Call me Putrid, a fundraising, ethic, linguistic and advertising campaign to suggest and promote the changing of the name of the actual Russian president. This world might certainly improve if only we …

The power of stupidity

The power of stupidity, an article by Giancarlo Livraghi that analyzes the complex phenomenon starting by the 5 laws of stupidity by professor Carlo Cipolla. Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number …