George Mikes on Italy

George Mikes on Italy, some quotes, ideas, thoughts and humorous remarks on the Italian nation and its funny people plus some other useful resources. What can possibily happen in the world at …

Braccialetti fitness

  I braccialetti fitness, smart band o fitness tracker, sono il must del momento, gadegt tecnologici ed elettronici non solo di gran moda, ma prodotti che sembrano essere diventati indispensabili per sportivi …

Elections quotes

The total collapse of the public opinion polls shows that this country is in good health. A country that developed an airtight system of finding out in advance what was in people’s …

John Florio biography

John Florio biography and some quotes. Forgive thy friends: they would, but cannot praise, inough’ the wit, art, language of thy PLAYES: forgive thy foes; they will not praise thee. Why? Thy …

Andros Art Theory

Andros art theory, his conception of art and artists. The “A Theory”, that is Androsophy. Read this article and find out more about this genial artist. In life I do various things, …

Statistics and facts

Like other occult techniques of divination, the statistical method has a private jargon deliberately contrived to obscure its methods from non-practitioners. G. O. Ashley Like dreams, statistics are a form of wish …