Mark Twain reflections

Mark Twain reflections, ideas, wise thoughts and literary social witty opinions on life, religion, people, society, life, death, power, soul, and many other topics. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. …

USA Presidents (Part 1)

USA presidents Part 1. The men who made America. The most powerful figures in the world. President’s Day, sometimes called Washington’s Birthday, is an official holiday observed in the United States of …

Quotes on America

Quotes and aphorisms on America Quotes on America, aphorisms and quotations on the United States of America and the American people. The Constitution gives every American the inalienable right to make a …

Best quotes on books

Best quotes on books, aphorisms, citations, quotations by various very popular and wise authors who explain us the great real value of written work of art. What’s more at the end of …

Australia quotes

Australia quotes. Aphorisms. ideas, thoughts on Australia and Australian people. Quotations on Australian culture, traditions and history by famous authors, writers and artists. In Australia, not reading poetry is the national pastime. …

Christmas poems

Christmas poems for a magic holiday atmosphere, to enlighten and warm up your festive time by blog and Carl William Brown. Merry Christmas! Let Every Day Be Christmas Christmas is forever, …

The Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree, an article that explains its legend, origin and tradition, with some enlightening merry quotes to enrich the great value of the Christmas period. Snowflakes felt so awesome in winter …