Ezra Pound the best craftsman
Ezra Pound the best craftsman as Eliot called him, an article that synthetically explains the linguistic art and poetics of this great poet, with some examples of his writing style and deep …
Ezra Pound the best craftsman as Eliot called him, an article that synthetically explains the linguistic art and poetics of this great poet, with some examples of his writing style and deep …
Blessed Virgin Mary and Rosa Mystica, an article with some quotes and a personal story on the Holy Virgin, divine symbol of motherhood, love, life and sorrow, with reference to Rosa Mystica …
English and Italian languages, an article that shows the reciprocal influences and contaminations between the two idioms, with a particular focus on the Italian language and culture. The Italian language is truly …
Italian influence on English, an article that explains the influence of the Italian language, culture and authors on the English language through the centuries. The Italian language is a Romance language spoken …
T.S. Eliot poetic quotes, aphorisms, sentences, definitions, criticisms and ideas that have a great poetic and literary meaning chosen from his various works. We shall not cease from exploration And the end …
T.S. Eliot quotes and aphorisms, great sentences by one of the most famous 20th century’s major Modernist poets, an author who reinvigorated the English poetry. In my beginning is my end. T.S. …