Daimon origin and meanings
Daimon origin and meanings, character and destiny, the history of etymology and evolution of the concept, from the ancient Greece of Socrates and Plato to Hillman’s psychology and Brown’s methodology. “… We …
Daimon origin and meanings, character and destiny, the history of etymology and evolution of the concept, from the ancient Greece of Socrates and Plato to Hillman’s psychology and Brown’s methodology. “… We …
Daimonology synthetic principles, this article contains the other fifty principles of Daimonology, from n.51 to n. 100, that is fifty aphorisms written by Carl William Brown on Daimonology, a new didactic methodology. …
Black American English, an article that explains the evolution, some characteristics and classifications of African American English Vernacular or Black English No matter how much you love Nigeria, you can’t help the …
Chinese language evolution, a short article that explains the characteristics of this ancient language, dialects, grammar, phonetics, linguistic and cultural habits Chinese language tends to be quick, economical. To know what people …