Good English Jokes
Good English jokes. A collection of some very good English jokes of different kind on various subjects to help you have a good time and make a good laugh. Nul mieux que Charlie ne …
Good English jokes. A collection of some very good English jokes of different kind on various subjects to help you have a good time and make a good laugh. Nul mieux que Charlie ne …
Freud on humor and jokes, a text about humor and jokes starting from the works by Sigmund Freud and continuing with quotes and thoughts by Mikes, Brown and Cooper. Last but not …
Tommy Cooper Jericho joke, plus a short biography of this great and famous comedian with some of his best humorous jokes and puns, then there is some historic news about Jericho walls. …
A limerick is a stanza of five lines, very common in Anglo-Saxon countries. Its subject is either very innocent or very naughty, but always humorous and absurd, just as our existence. They …
12 Things I Learned About Life From Daytrading Millions Of Dollars. Advices about trading and life by James Altucher James Altucher was the managing director of Formula Capital, an asset management firm …