The Hierarchy of Power Semantics!
In the beginning was the Plan and the Specification. And the Plan was without form and the Specification it was void. And darkness was on the face of the implementation team. And …
In the beginning was the Plan and the Specification. And the Plan was without form and the Specification it was void. And darkness was on the face of the implementation team. And …
The Old Man a short story by the English novelist and playwright Daphne Du Maurier. Well known for Hitchcock film the Birds, another of her short stories. Imagination is a form of …
Very short stories with a great moral value and meaning for our life by the English-culture blog and the world of English When I was young I did not like to get …
Very short stories in English with a great and deep moral and existential meaning and value. The Foolish Donkey A salt seller used to carry the salt bag on his donkey to …
A short history of the origins and development of English, from Old English, through Middle English to Late Modern English, plus a series of useful links. The history of the English language …
Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) He was a famous poet and essayist of Victorian England. In his Essays in Criticism as well as in his other prose-writings Arnold tried to break down the prejudices …