Trading glossary

Trading glossary, a synthetic dictionary of financial terms may help novice traders and ordinary investors to have an idea of how the stock market really works. Successful investing is anticipating the anticipations …

The King James Bible

The King James Bible, an article that analyzes its origin, importance and influences on the English language and on the English cultural, literary and religious world. A feast is made for laughter, …

Best quotes on books

Best quotes on books, aphorisms, citations, quotations by various very popular and wise authors who explain us the great real value of written work of art. What’s more at the end of …

A Christmas story

A Christmas story. Ella Gray. A Christmas Story from an Australian Christmas collection: stories, sketches, essays by James Francis Hogan published in 1880. Christmas being, proverbially and traditionally the time for family …

An essay on Quotes

An essay on quotes, or better a short essay on aphorisms, quotes, proverbs and this kind of short quick and brillian literary genre by Carl William Brown. An aphorism is nothing else …