Spot on the map of London
Spot on the map of London, an English Club Tv educational program that takes you to unique and interesting places around London while helping you to improve your English. In this article …
Spot on the map of London, an English Club Tv educational program that takes you to unique and interesting places around London while helping you to improve your English. In this article …
Christmas crackers jokes, Funny Christmas crackers and humorous jokes by English-Culture for your enjoyment and your amusing Christmas Holidays Christmas crackers are a British tradition dating back to Victorian times when in …
Halloween great quotes and aphorisms, 50 famous and amazing ideas for your pleasure by the World of English or blog Halloween for the year 2023 is celebrated/observed on Tuesday, October 31st. …
Great quotes on quotations, best aphorisms or ideas by famous authors, artists and writers on the shortest and wittiest philosophical form of literary expression. Since brevity is the soul of wit, and …
Improve your English with AI, a guide to web resources and apps that use Artificial Intelligence to manage the language in every field, from translation, to grammar correction, texts paraphrases and summaries, …
English collocations words, an analysis of this important aspect of the language with rules, examples and references to the main collocations dictionaries. The most vital part of any language is “vocabulary”, that …
In defence of grammar, some quotes and a complete article by the famous language scholar Mario Pei who analyze the importance of grammar for learning a language. The palest ink is better …
English language idioms, the importance, evolution and linguistic meaning of this fundamental aspect of the American English language for every learners. We often read and hear the phrase “language is a living …