The book of nonsense

A limerick is a stanza of five lines, very common in Anglo-Saxon countries. Its subject is either very innocent or very naughty, but always humorous and absurd, just as our existence. They …

Nonsense quotes

Forgive me my nonsense as I also forgive the nonsense of those who think they can talk sense. Robert Frost Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter. …

Financial Safety Rules

Financial safety rules by Harry Edson Browne (June 17, 1933 – March 1, 2006). He was an American writer, politician, and investment advisor. He was the Libertarian Party’s Presidential nominee in the …

Environment questions

Environment Questions and answers about global warming, energy saving, pollution, climate change, weather events, water, rubbish, transport and eco-activism 1) What’s the difference between climate and weather? The climate is the pattern …

University education

University education, World university education, quotes, news and data. A University should be a place of light, of liberty, and of learning. Benjamin Disraeli What we become depends on what we read …

Global warming test

The Danger of Global Warming by Leonardo DiCaprio. Learn more about this issue doing this reading comprehension test. Many film stars, including Leonardo DiCaprio support the environmental movement. It’s a great honour …