Ezra Pound the best craftsman
Ezra Pound the best craftsman as Eliot called him, an article that synthetically explains the linguistic art and poetics of this great poet, with some examples of his writing style and deep …
Ezra Pound the best craftsman as Eliot called him, an article that synthetically explains the linguistic art and poetics of this great poet, with some examples of his writing style and deep …
The heart of melancholy, an article about the famous book by Robert Burton The Anatomy of Melancholy published in 1621 but still very worth reading today. In this short essay you will …
Mark Twain reflections, ideas, wise thoughts and literary social witty opinions on life, religion, people, society, life, death, power, soul, and many other topics. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. …
Mark Twain great quotes, a collection of the author’s best quotes and aphorisms on every aspects of life seen through his marvellous and witty sense of humor. In the first place God …
The King James Bible, an article that analyzes its origin, importance and influences on the English language and on the English cultural, literary and religious world. A feast is made for laughter, …
Literature living poems, some reflections on the literary themes of poetry, life and death, starting from the famous collection of Spoon River by Edgar Lee Masters and continuing with texts by Shakespeare …
100 super worthy quotes, another post full of great valuable quotes and aphorisms selected among the best authors ever by our chief editor Carl William Brown It is a profitable thing, if …
Thoughts about travelling Nothing can be compared to the new life that the discovery of another country provides for a thoughtful person. Although I am still the same I believe to have …
Best quotes on father, aphorisms, ideas, maxims and proverbs by various and famous writers, artists and authors on fathers. A hearty tribute to our dear dads. Father! – to God himself we …
Saint Valentines Day. Without Valentine’s Day, February would be… well, January. Jim Gaffigan I claim there ain’t Another Saint As great as Valentine. Ogden Nash If you are really interested in this …