Canada quotes

Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well informed about the United States. Bartlett J. Brebner Canadians spend half their time trying to convince Americans that they’re not English… …

Self-acceptance quotes

Self-acceptance quotes. Self-acceptance can be defined as the awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, the subjective appraisal of one’s talents, capabilities,  general worth, and feelings of satisfaction with one’s self despite deficiencies …

Anarchy Quotations

The events of September 11 and what has happened since have made people understand that even a small, distant and far away country like Afghanistan cannot be left to break up into …

George Mikes on Italy

George Mikes on Italy, some quotes, ideas, thoughts and humorous remarks on the Italian nation and its funny people plus some other useful resources. What can possibily happen in the world at …