Quotes on America
Quotes and aphorisms on America Quotes on America, aphorisms and quotations on the United States of America and the American people. The Constitution gives every American the inalienable right to make a …
Quotes and aphorisms on America Quotes on America, aphorisms and quotations on the United States of America and the American people. The Constitution gives every American the inalienable right to make a …
60 sixty great Christmas quotes and aphorisms by famous authors selected by Carl William Brown for the World of English blog, that is English-culture.com I wish you a Merry Christmas sparkle with …
Impossibile democracy and social equality, an article that gives different opinion on this matter through the great thoughts of famous and wise philosophers. If our politicians, legislators, public administrators, legal judges, lawyers, …
Daimon origin and meanings, character and destiny, the history of etymology and evolution of the concept, from the ancient Greece of Socrates and Plato to Hillman’s psychology and Brown’s methodology. “… We …
Great quotes on quotations, best aphorisms or ideas by famous authors, artists and writers on the shortest and wittiest philosophical form of literary expression. Since brevity is the soul of wit, and …
100 excellent quotes and aphorisms by great and famous authors to inspire your thoughts, give new life to your ideas and stimulate your critical thinking skills. Power is not a means, it …
Principles of Daimonology, or better Synthetic principles of applied Daimonology, consisting of 100 aphorisms, maxims, ideas and thoughts sometimes enigmatic and a little humorous, on the dissemination and deepening of knowledge and …
Best quotes on AI, aphorisms, quotations, quotes, opinions, ideas, thoughts about Artificial Intelligence, its uses, and its possible future development. Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out …
Business life quotes, trading quotes, aphorisms, ideas and thoughts to get along with useful and wise advices in order not to lose great investment opportunities. One mustn’t allow acting to be like …
The Putrid War, or the war of Putler, that is a series of short and definitive reflections with some aphorisms on the war in Ukraine, unleashed by the cruel and ferocious Russian …
Quotes on Italy, quotations and aphorisms on Italy, Italians and what the other people think of them by popular authors. You can also download a free e-book in English and Italian. At …
Quotes on war, aphorisms, quotations, ideas, and famous sentences by great authors and writers about the stupidity of every war and the cruelty of armies and soldiers. Iustum est bellum, quibus necessarium. …