Saint Valentines Day

Saint Valentines Day. Without Valentine’s Day, February would be… well, January. Jim Gaffigan I claim there ain’t Another Saint As great as Valentine. Ogden Nash If you are really interested in this …

Santa Claus town

Santa Claus Town, Indiana, a short article that explains the history and development of this amazing little town, with all its features and touristic link. “Please be good. Santa is watching!” The …

100 excellent quotes

100 excellent quotes and aphorisms by great and famous authors to inspire your thoughts, give new life to your ideas and stimulate your critical thinking skills. Power is not a means, it …

Video reels quotes

Video reels quotes, a post where you can find video reels of various character also created with AI reciting various quotes and aphorisms by Carl William Brown Very often there is nothing …

Video shorts quotes

Video shorts quotes, a post where you can find video shorts of various character also created with AI reciting various quotes and aphorisms by Carl William Brown, but not only that! Humor …