Happiness great quotes
Happiness great quotes, aphorisms, quotations, thoughts, ideas and opinions on happiness, a post that starts the quest for the Holy Grail from many points of view. Don’t educate your children to be …
Happiness great quotes, aphorisms, quotations, thoughts, ideas and opinions on happiness, a post that starts the quest for the Holy Grail from many points of view. Don’t educate your children to be …
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti quotes, the artistic ideas of the founder of the Italian Futurism, where you can find his ideas on war, art, love, danger and men. Try to live the war …
Scotland history and future, an article to discover some curiosities of the Scottish history with its characters and some news on its possible future in Europe. The moment you doubt whether you …
The Danger of Global Warming by Leonardo DiCaprio. Learn more about this issue doing this reading comprehension test. Many film stars, including Leonardo DiCaprio support the environmental movement. It’s a great honour …
Liberté: Dada, Dada, Dada, hurlement, entrelacement des contraires e de toutes les contradictions, des grotesques, des inconséquences: La Vie. Tristan Tzara I have forced myself to contradict myself in order to avoid …
12 Things I Learned About Life From Daytrading Millions Of Dollars. Advices about trading and life by James Altucher James Altucher was the managing director of Formula Capital, an asset management firm …
To any entrepreneur: if you want to do it, do it now. If you don’t, you’re going to regret it. Catherine Cook What our country really needs most are those things which …
Personally I am proud to consider past, present and future time as a whole continuum. Carl William Brown We all run on two clocks. One is the outside clock, which ticks away …