Self-care quotes

Self-care quotes, aphorisms and ideas. A collection of quotations by various authors to underline the personal and social importance of self-care strategies. Self-care can be defined as a meaningful gift of self-love …

Saint Valentines Day

Saint Valentines Day. Without Valentine’s Day, February would be… well, January. Jim Gaffigan I claim there ain’t Another Saint As great as Valentine. Ogden Nash If you are really interested in this …

The Laws of Wellness

The Laws of Wellness, a review and analysis of a great book by Greg Anderson about the importance of having a holistic approach to life, health or difficulties. This book addresses wellness …

Jonathan Swift Quotations

Jonathan Swift quotations, famous quotes, aphorisms, ideas, opinions about man, life, human race, wits, ambition, heaven and love, that reveal his immense literary greatness. Hic depositum est Corpus, IONATHAN SWIFT S.T.D. (Doctor …

The teachings of Plato

The teachings of Plato, originality of his works, myths, methods, ideas, forms, thoughts, education, ethics, morals and art of his great everlasting philosophy. To do philosophy correctly consists in not choosing the …

Video reels quotes

Video reels quotes, a post where you can find video reels of various character also created with AI reciting various quotes and aphorisms by Carl William Brown Very often there is nothing …

Memory great quotes

Memory great quotes, aphorisms, ideas, quotations, thoughts and opinions about memory, memories, remembrances, recolletions and the art of enjoying nice past events. Yes, if a memory, thanks to forgetfulness, has been unable …

Happiness great quotes

Happiness great quotes, aphorisms, quotations, thoughts, ideas and opinions on happiness, a post that starts the quest for the Holy Grail from many points of view. Don’t educate your children to be …