War and peace quotes

War and peace quotes, aphorisms, ideas and thoughts about the dramatic difference between the effects of war and the desire of human kind for peace and love. World Day of Peace, celebrated …

Language and Thought

Language and Thought from The Psychology of Thinking by Robert Thomson, with some very interesting quotes about language and philosophy by Ludwig Wittgenstein. Every discourse on language, art and words has a …

Self-knowledge quotes

Self-knowledge quotes, some great aphorisms and thoughts about self-knowledge, the foundation of true knowledge, and a great help to real happiness and success. Self-knowledge is a term used in psychology to describe …

Literary theory

Literary theory an introduction, a short article from the famous book by Terence Eagleton, to better understand the value and importance of good literature. Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Reception Theory, Structuralism and Semiotics, Post-Structuralism, …