Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day, history, quotes and typical food. In the United States it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November each year and marks the beginning of the holiday season. Thanksgiving Day …

Impossible Democracy

Impossibile democracy and social equality, an article that gives different opinion on this matter through the great thoughts of famous and wise philosophers. If our politicians, legislators, public administrators, legal judges, lawyers, …

Labor Day

Labor Day, an article that explains the history, the major facts, the meaning, the celebrations and quotes to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers …

War and peace quotes

War and peace quotes, aphorisms, ideas and thoughts about the dramatic difference between the effects of war and the desire of human kind for peace and love. DA Datta, DA Dayadhvam, DA …

Quotes on war

Quotes on war, aphorisms, quotations, ideas, and famous sentences by great authors and writers about the stupidity of every war and the cruelty of armies and soldiers. Iustum est bellum, quibus necessarium. …