Holocaust Remembrance Day
Holocaust Remembrance Day, an article with texts, images and quotes that is taken from an online exhibition and from an Italian English e-book (Free) made at school. What happened cannot be undone, …
Holocaust Remembrance Day, an article with texts, images and quotes that is taken from an online exhibition and from an Italian English e-book (Free) made at school. What happened cannot be undone, …
Tommy Cooper Jericho joke, plus a short biography of this great and famous comedian with some of his best humorous jokes and puns, then there is some historic news about Jericho walls. …
Jonathan Swift reflections, thoughts, ideas, opinions, humor wits, short texts and great words of wisdom and criticism by the famous author of Gulliver’s Travels and other great literary works. Your notions of …
Pro con controversial issues, ProCon.org is a non-profit organization that promotes critical thinking by presenting for and against tips for role-play debates. When making a decision of minor importance, I have always …
Trivial pursuit game, its history and development with some subjects categories to clearly give an example of the playing activities, plus some very good links to great websites to play online and …
Education quotes, aphorisms and quotations about education, school and learning, with some very brilliant and humorous thoughts by great authors of all time. Be circumspect how you offend schollers, for knowe, a …
Italian culinary art colleges, questions and answers for Italian hospitality students, a complete summary text about the main topics of this kind of school and the Italian gastronomic culture. 1) What must …
English for business, trade and finance. Marketing, money, commerce and letter writing, a complete short summary course (Free PDF) for schools and universities, but not only for students. Economics is the social …
Self-discipline best quotes, aphorisms, maxims, ideas, thoughts and words of wisdom about self-discipline or the right way to self-control and self-improvement. Self-discipline is strictly connected with self-control and with one’s willpower, being …
The essence of grammar, an article written by a famous scholar explaining the importance, the main aspects and the difficulties of the fundamental structure of any language. Like everything metaphysical the harmony …
Importance of self-control. (abstract) Sometime people lose their cool and do unreasonable things which are not at their own best interest because of lacking self control, the ability to understand emotions and …
Funny and crazy notices, humorous notices and boards around the world in the English Language. In a small town in North Carolina there is a junk yard that has a huge sign …