Christmas Songs

Christmas songs best ever written and sung with an article, a list and some videos from Youtube. Enjoy and be merry at least for Christmas. There are a lot of popular and …

Christmas poems

Christmas poems for a magic holiday atmosphere, to enlighten and warm up your festive time by blog and Carl William Brown. Merry Christmas! Let Every Day Be Christmas Christmas is forever, …

Christmas thoughts

Christmas Thoughts, reflections, ideas, various opinions and some quotes on Christmas by the World of English and good will English-culture blog I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come …

Christmas quotes

Christmas great quotes and memorable aphorisms by The world of English, that is the Blog and Carl William Brown. The purpose and cause of the incarnation was that He might illuminate …

Memory great quotes

Memory great quotes, aphorisms, ideas, quotations, thoughts and opinions about memory, memories, remembrances, recolletions and the art of enjoying nice past events. Yes, if a memory, thanks to forgetfulness, has been unable …

Best Visual quotes

Best visual quotes, aphorisms and quotations with stunning images to shares ideas, quotes, words of wisdom with motivating and inspiring thoughts. Don’t handicap your children by making their lives easy. Robert A. …