Best Christmas Songs

Best Christmas Songs with videos, lyrics, famous quotes and carols to enjoy the atmosphere of this magic festival and to practice the English language having great fun. Using songs with lyrics is …

Christmas poems

Christmas poems for a magic holiday atmosphere, to enlighten and warm up your festive time by blog and Carl William Brown. Merry Christmas! Let Every Day Be Christmas Christmas is forever, …

The Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree, an article that explains its legend, origin and tradition, with some enlightening merry quotes to enrich the great value of the Christmas period. Snowflakes felt so awesome in winter …

Christmas food

Christmas food, an article about traditional food and dishes to create the real atmosphere of a magic Christmas time, with some quotes and historical information. I am going to church, Watson. I …

Christmas in Italy

Christmas in Italy, traditions, customs, habits, markets, an article that explains all about the Christmas period in Italy with also the famous panettone recipe. In Italy today, Christmas is a time for …

Christmas quotes

Christmas great quotes and memorable aphorisms by The world of English, that is the Blog and Carl William Brown. The purpose and cause of the incarnation was that He might illuminate …