Latin and English

Latin and English. Latin words, phrases, sentences, quotes, or abbreviations still used in the English language with a comparison between the two languages, some useful links to other posts and resources. Latin …

Language and Thought

Language and Thought from The Psychology of Thinking by Robert Thomson, with some very interesting quotes about language and philosophy by Ludwig Wittgenstein. Every discourse on language, art and words has a …

English spelling rules

English spelling rules, the 20 Fundamental Spelling Rules and more that everyone should know with a lot of examples, images, and an article about exceptions. Spelling rules can take the mystery out …

English language idioms

English language idioms, the importance, evolution and linguistic meaning of this fundamental aspect of the American English language for every learners. We often read and hear the phrase “language is a living …

Chinese language evolution

Chinese language evolution, a short article that explains the characteristics of this ancient language, dialects, grammar, phonetics, linguistic and cultural habits Chinese language tends to be quick, economical. To know what people …

Why I write

If you can feel that staying human is worthwhile, even when it can’t have any result whatever, you’ve beaten them. George Orwell What I have most wanted to do throughout the past …

The book of nonsense

The book of nonsense and limericks by Edward Lear for children and grown-ups. A limerick is a stanza of five lines, very common in Anglo-Saxon countries. Its subject is either very innocent …

Naval words heritage

England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson Time is everything; five minutes make the difference between victory and defeat. Horatio Nelson A fleet of British ships at war …