Guy Fawkes story

Guy Fawkes story and the Gunpowder plot, an easy article for students of English that explains the origin of the story with its celebrations and customs. A desperate disease requires a dangerous …

Guy Fawkes Day

Guy Fawkes Day, also known as Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night and Firework Night, is an annual commemoration observed on 5 November, primarily in Great Britain.This article talks about its origin, …

Quotes on war

Quotes on war, aphorisms, quotations, ideas, and famous sentences by great authors and writers about the stupidity of every war and the cruelty of armies and soldiers. Iustum est bellum, quibus necessarium. …

Call me Putrid

Call me Putrid, a fundraising, ethic, linguistic and advertising campaign to suggest and promote the changing of the name of the actual Russian president. This world might certainly improve if only we …

The power of English

The power of English, the diffusion around the world of the English American language during the past centuries and the technological contemporary epoch. Adaptability is not imitation. It means power of resistance …

Self-discipline best quotes

Self-discipline best quotes, aphorisms, maxims, ideas, thoughts and words of wisdom about self-discipline or the right way to self-control and self-improvement. Self-discipline is strictly connected with self-control and with one’s willpower, being …

Latin phrases in English

Latin phrases in English still used in everyday language plus a complete list of Latin abbreviations, for students, teachers and common citizens. Humanum genus est avidum nimis auricularum. (Lucrezio) Mankind is too …

Dadaism Disgust

Liberté: Dada, Dada, Dada, hurlement, entrelacement des contraires e de toutes les contradictions, des grotesques, des inconséquences: La Vie. Tristan Tzara I have forced myself to contradict myself in order to avoid …

Criminal News

Criminal News in the world, some quotes, data and information about the rising criminal acts in the world with links to the main sources of international news. There is no such thing …