Daimon Club story, a synthetic article about the origin of our club based on Daimon principle , an inner force and passion, a mixture of desires and aspirations.
Each life is formed by its unique image, an image that is the essence of that life and calls it to a destiny. As the force of fate, this image acts as a personal daimon, an accompanying guide who remembers your calling.
James Hillman
Very often there is nothing more unconscious than our ignorance, of which we obviously disregard the existence; therefore opening the mind to the ethics of knowledge and cultivating one’s learning is the only wise thing to do in order to give a sense to our mysterious life.
Carl William Brown
Daimon is an inner force, an inner passion, a mixture of desires and aspirations. Our daimon is the genius that lives with us, good and evil at the same time. As Blake would say, it’s the marriage between heaven and hell. It’s death in life and life in death. It’s a kind of enthusiasm that guides us towards the search for knowledge, without believing in any superior entity. It’s a holistic approach to life that struggles against any form of vanity, of stupid power and false authority. It’s a form of magic, of ecstatic feeling, it’s the art of living for freedom without having to submit our inner thoughts to the banalities of our society. It’s a dream that gives hope to our intellect, it’s a mystery without solution. it’s the absurdity of our life, it’s a nonsensical joke. That’s why I thought to link the surrealistic poetics with the spirit of my creation, and that’s why the Daimon Club was born.
Carl William Brown
The daimon motivates. It protects. It invents and persists with stubborn fidelity. It resists compromising reasonableness and often forces deviance and oddity upon its keeper, especially when neglected or opposed. It offers comfort and can pull you into its shell, but it cannot abide innocence. It can make the body ill. It is out of step with time, finding all sorts of faults, gaps, and knots in the flow of life – and it prefers them. It has affinities with myth, since it is itself a mythical being and thinks in mythical patterns.
James Hillman
One of the first examples of surrealistic writer and daimon guided author was Laurence Sterne. He was born in Ireland in 1713 end died in 1768. As a clergyman, Sterne was rather unusual. Besides being involved in frequent amorous escapades, together with some friends he formed a group called “The Demoniacks” which used to meet at Skelton Castle, a curious house on the border of the Cleveland Moors, (belonging to a friend of Sterne’s, who called it “Crazy Castle”, where they indulged in moderate revelry. When I found the Daimon Club I didn’t know about Sterne’s association, but now what I intend to point out is that unfortunately we don’t have a castle, and it’s always more difficult to find people who like to be open-minded, not only from a sexual point of view, but also from an artistic and intellectual one.
Carl William Brown
It has much to do with feelings of uniqueness, of grandeur and with the restlessness of the heart, its impatience, its dissatisfaction, its yearning. It needs its share of beauty. It wants to be seen, witnessed, accorded recognition, particularly by the person who is its caretaker. Metaphoric images are its first unlearned language, which provides the poetic basis of mind, making possible communication between all people and all things by means of metaphors”
James Hillman
When towards the end of 1997 Carl William Brown registered the first few pages of the Daimon Club website in the main search engines the term Daimon did not appear because as a matter of fact it was unknown. Therefore, digitally speaking, it was our association that has had the privilege of inaugurating what would soon have become a real phenomenon. Try to type today on the most famous Internet spider the word Daimon, or Daimon Club and you will immediately realize the real development of the trend.
Carl William Brown

A good partnership must be useful and profitable not only for the different involved members but for the whole society as well.
Carl William Brown
After a certain point, money is meaningless. It ceases to be the goal. The game is what counts.
Aristotle Onassis
Whatever you do the Daimon Club for sure can do something for you too, and together we can do so much more! We believe in fact, as also great innovators sustain, that the business world in its deepest essence is fundamentally human, and that the technique without aesthetics in the long run does not interest anyone. The true language of commerce is the natural conversation between human beings.
Discover our Principles of Daimonology, or better Synthetic principles of applied Daimonology, consisting of 100 aphorisms, maxims, ideas and thoughts sometimes enigmatic and a little humorous, on the dissemination and deepening of knowledge and creative thinking in general.
Daimon Club Strategy
Our first goal is to create and cultivate a unique and innovative online network inspired from international managers, artists and scientists from all sectors in order to enhance real and effective marketing and communication. Our main goal is to promote all the different branches of relationships to foster professional, intellectual and creative growth of the various actors of culture and economy, as well as contribute to the practical solution of specific problems related to professionalism and the existence of each of them. Aware of the fact that if you do not make works really great, and if you think only of mere money, in a few years all our efforts will be gone and no one will remember us!
First we are engaged in creating and promoting a brand, then we must keep well in mind that transforming a brand into a socially responsible leader doesn’t happen overnight by simply writing new marketing and advertising strategies. It takes effort to identify a vision that your customers will find credible and aligned with their values, as teaches us Simon Mainwaring.
Our main websites are full of aphorisms and quotes, jokes, humor, articles, books and news about the Italian country and the Anglo-American speaking world. They are also a meeting place for new friends and an internet guide full of links. There’s also a private area with a forum, a chat and a lot of italian and English resources.
To find out more you can read the whole book:
Applied Daimonology. Aphorisms, principles and essays. Kindle ebook available on Amazon. It also includes all the realities in the world that are linked, in one way or another, to the creativity and brand of the Daimon.
Principi sintetici di Daimonologia applicata