Global Language and World Culture
Daimon Club Strategy

Daimon Club Strategy

Daimon Club Marketing and Cultural Strategy
Daimon Club Marketing and Cultural Strategy

Daimon Club strategy, a short article that presents our cultural mission, links to our organization and our global marketing Strategy, goals and projects.

A good partnership must be useful and profitable not only for the different involved members but for the whole society as well.
Carl William Brown

After a certain point, money is meaningless. It ceases to be the goal. The game is what counts.
Aristotle Onassis

Whatever you do the Daimon Club for sure can do something for you too, and together we can do so much more! We believe in fact, as also great innovators sustain, that the business world in its deepest essence is fundamentally human, and that the technique without aesthetics in the long run does not interest anyone. The true language of commerce is the natural conversation between human beings.

Our first goal is to create and cultivate a unique and innovative online network inspired from international managers, artists and scientists from all sectors in order to enhance real and effective marketing and communication. Our main goal is to promote all the different branches of relationships to foster professional, intellectual and creative growth of the various actors of culture and economy, as well as contribute to the practical solution of specific problems related to professionalism and the existence of each of them. Aware of the fact that if you do not make works really great, and if you think only of mere money, in a few years all our efforts will be gone and no one will remember us!

First we are engaded in creating and promoting a brand, then we must keep well in mind that transforming a brand into a socially responsible leader doesn’t happen overnight by simply writing new marketing and advertising strategies. It takes effort to identify a vision that your customers will find credible and aligned with their values, as teaches us Simon Mainwaring.

Our main websites are full of aphorisms and quotes, jokes, humor, articles, books and news about the Italian country and the Anglo-American speaking world. They are also a meeting place for new friends and an internet guide full of links. There’s also a private area with a forum, a chat and a lot of italian and English resources.

Find out more about our Principles of Daimonology, or better Synthetic principles of applied Daimonology, consisting of 100 aphorisms, maxims, ideas and thoughts sometimes enigmatic and a little humorous, on the dissemination and deepening of knowledge and creative thinking in general.

These principles are thus a kind of vademecum of creative thinking and enhancement of mental faculties. These principles of applied Daimonology thus cover, along with the Testament of C.W. Brown, the Bequest of the Daimon Club, the various written texts, and my own aphoristic production a kind of spiritual legacy that I intend to leave to weary humanity.

Certainly, one cannot claim to be able to exhaust such a broad subject in a few pages and therefore perhaps not everything will be clear at first, in any case this publication is to be considered solely of an informative and popularizing nature and therefore cannot be considered an exhaustive and definitive discourse on the subject. However, I hope that it will be equally enlightening to those who will take the action of reading it and at the same time try to get into the spirit of its elaboration and interpretation. Once again therefore, thank you in advance!

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Carl William Brown and the Managing Crew of the International Daimon Club Organization are eager to point out that our main and only fundamental SPONSOR is STUPIDITY at large, in all her great, divine and sublime manifestations. Without her powerful and everlasting MAJESTY it’s clear that we couldn’t even exist so there are no doubts about the topic kernel of the matter. Since “Stultorum infinitus est numerus” and we perfectly know that the supreme deity is boundless, therefore we solemnly declare that we are honored, pleased and fully satisfied of accepting every kind of any other valuable and reliable promotion, sponsorship, partnership or publicity, for we are deeply aware that we can profit much more watching different idiots than listening to scholarly engaged professionals, also because for some original smart people they seem to belong to the same bizarre antic human category.

Carl William Brown

For those wishing to learn more about the topic, I suggest the following articles or books:

Applied Daimonology. Aphorisms, principles and essays. Kindle ebook available on Amazon. It also includes all the realities in the world that are linked, in one way or another, to the creativity and brand of the Daimon.

Synthetic Principles of Daimonology

Daimon origin and meanings

Principi sintetici di Daimonologia applicata

Daimon Club strategy

Daimon Club story

Daimon Club structure

Great philosophy quotes

Platone e il mito di Er

Etica e filosofia

Etica e conoscenza

Carl William Brown

Il testamento di C.W. Brown

Daimon Club organization

Essays with quotes

Quotes by authors

Quotes by arguments

Thoughts and reflections

News and events