Women’s Day and various reflections, an article that offers various texts by certainly original authors, a mix of serious reflections and cheerful humour.
A woman is like a tea bag: you don’t know her strength until she is immersed in hot water.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Women are the real architects of society.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
There’s something so special about a woman who dominates in a man’s world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness and the nerve to never take no for an answer.
A woman is the most mysterious and amazing figure in the world.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
There is no greater strength than the sweetness and patience of women.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Women are certainly more aggressive than men, and it is no coincidence that they also have longer nails.
Carl William Brown
I don’t like talking about men and women. The stars in the sky are men and women, but gender doesn’t matter when it comes to lighting up the world.
Harriet Tubman
Women are meant to be loved, not understood.
Oscar Wilde

Even though women should be celebrated every day of the year, there is anyway a great official day to honour them, therefore on March 8, for the International Women’s Day, people around the globe come together to recognize the achievements and the great values of women – socially, economically, culturally, and politically.
Women’s Day is a significant opportunity to consider gender equality and the value of improving gender relations. Women’s Day can be an opportunity to reflect on these issues and to commit to creating a more just and equitable world for all.
Here are some tips that can help us make our lives better. However, to enrich this article and these reflections of mine on the topic with various literary styles, I also propose some texts by slightly more light-hearted and humorous authors, which certainly helps us to reflect and have fun at the same time.
Unfortunately, in many countries around the world women’s rights are still significantly violated. Here, for example, are some of the most common problems that women encounter in countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, Africa, but not only.
Discrimination in law and practice, such as the requirement for women to ask their husband’s permission to work or travel, high rates of domestic and sexual violence, low percentage of women receiving education and access to healthcare, restrictions on women’s clothing, low representation of women in positions of power, significant differences in wages between men and women and we could go on.
We therefore still have a lot to do for women and we could clearly start looking at making improvements in the following areas.
Education: it is essential to start promoting gender equality in the classroom if we want to build a society that values and respects all genders. We need to teach children and young people the value of diversity and mutual respect.
Communication: For there to be peaceful coexistence between the sexes, there must be open and courteous communication. It is essential to develop empathy and the ability to communicate with people of the opposite sex without prejudice.

Combating gender-based violence is important as it is still a major problem in many parts of the world. It is essential to address this phenomenon through prevention, education and the prosecution of offenders.
Political engagement: Women’s political engagement is essential to creating a more just and equitable world. Promoting women’s participation in political life and providing assistance to those who want it is crucial.
Collaboration: Both sexes need to work together to achieve shared goals and build a more just and equitable world. It is essential to promote a culture of cooperation and mutual support.
Underestimation and undervaluation of care work: Care work performed predominantly by women, such as child and elder care, is common. Given the importance of this effort for society, it is essential to enhance and support it.
Get rid of gender stereotypes: Stereotypes place restrictions on the potential and aspirations of both sexes. It is essential to dispel these myths and promote a society that respects and values variety.
In conclusion, the creation of a culture that respects and values variety, collaboration between the sexes, the elimination of gender stereotypes, the fight against gender violence and female political commitment are all necessary elements to strengthen gender relations. type.
Carl William Brown
Today, March 8th, we celebrate the commodification and marketing of women. A celebration strongly desired by men to pacify their conscience. You give yourself a mimosa, the florists, restaurateurs and producers of Perugian kisses get rich, and for the rest of the year you have peace of mind. Amen.
Women, on the other hand, on this occasion regularly go to work in the factory or at home and in the evening, in the best of cases, they go to dinner in small groups and then talk about this and that, a great attraction: the strip male. Well done. Evidently, making yourself equal to men means adapting to their tastes, or even worse, adapting to the standards that some have set for you. Some, of course, male. They tell me that with this day we want to claim a sort of female right to equality, we want to give women the right social weight.

We forget that women already have an enormous weight in society, they influence men, even the most important ones, they drive us crazy, they make us fall in love, in most cases they share pleasures and pains with men. Women are constantly in the minds of men, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, one more, one less. Each of us knows something about it.
So today don’t give your women mimosas. If you do, it means that you think of her as a prostitute, someone who can be commodified at the behest of a commercial logic. You pay her a tribute just for being a woman. Instead, buy her a flower or steal it, if you are in politics with a certain frequency throughout the year, when the rules do not require it.
Respect her every day, always share everything with her, love her by trying to make her happy, and not just as a mere pursuit of your own pleasure, but by respecting and valuing hers. And expect it to be the same for her. Throw away the mimosas, celebrate women every minute of the year, not because a multinational company ordered you to, but because they are part of us, exactly half of our heart and our mind. You gave us life, it is our duty as boys to give it back to you, in small installments of minutes a day. The interest, in this case, is mutual. To all of you, a kiss with deep gratitude.
INVIOLABLE PRINCIPLES OF WOMEN (from 8 March onwards and throughout life)
1. Women always make the law.
2. The law can be changed at any time, and without any prior announcement.
3. It is impossible for a man to know all the law.
4. If a woman thinks that her man knows all or almost all the law, she must change it immediately.
5. The woman is never wrong.
6. If the woman is wrong, it is certainly due to a misunderstanding arising from something the man said or did.
7. If Rule Number 6 is to be applied, then the man must immediately apologize for causing this misunderstanding.
8. The woman has the right to change her opinion at any time.
9. The man does not have the right to change his mind, unless written consent is given by the woman.
10. A woman has the right to be nervous or angry when she feels it is appropriate.
11. The man must always remain calm, unless the woman wants him to be really angry.
12. Under no circumstances should a woman let a man guess whether she wants him to remain calm, or whether he wants him to get nervous or angry.
13. Any attempt to disseminate these rules may result in bodily injury.
14. The woman always has the last word!
MARCH 8: I take this opportunity to publicly thank the showgirls, coupons, patonze and all the chickens of the same kind for having been able, by shaking, to throw overboard all the post-modern thought on feminism and its derivatives. Thanks also on behalf of the Meroloni, Berlusconi, Speroni and all those who end up with the ions.
Aldo Vincent

Toilet issues. Enough with this women’s day. Let’s pile up these damn mimosas and make a bonfire. We have now emancipated ourselves, we are equal to men.
We get heart attacks too. What more do we want? The prostate perhaps? or a beard… since we already have a moustache. An example for everyone, the bathroom issue. The daily management of the toilet triggers real social wars. He and she have been fighting for years to have the same rights. Result? Absolute equality.
Why do storms break out right on the toilets? It’s not difficult… because the bathroom is a temple, a sacred place where the most varied personal rites are celebrated. because you don’t just go to the bathroom to do things, you stay in the bathroom, it’s a think tank, once you enter you never leave. You feel like knocking. And the toilet seat? they leave it on.
And as far as we arfe concerned, two times out of three we sit on the freezing ceramic and curse the day we got engaged. Unless they are from the drop gang and we have to pee in the balance like the mountain guides. They cut their toenails and shoot them everywhere like boomerangs and we leave hair lying around like vines. And then there’s the toothpaste controversy.
We who are creative crush it at random, from the middle, from the top, like a pimple, like a bell. And they get angry… they who have been squeezing it out for years with painstaking precision from bottom to top. It’s a shame that they don’t put all this fuss on him when he takes a shower. Their showers are floods, natural disasters, they have to ask for a state of calamity. There’s no better way than using their razor to shave our calves. We do tric trac and they rant… they strip themselves like Scarface. I always do it, but secretly, because if he catches me he turns my head backwards as if to kill octopuses.
Luciana Littizzetto
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