Trading Quotations

Trading quotations, quotes, aphorisms, tips, advices, and useful thoughts and ideas by some very famous world traders. Invest in bear market, speculate in bull market. Carl William Brown Credit is a system …

Trading lovers

Trading lovers, amateurs and professional on Facebook. Tips, links, examples, quotes, advices, short stories and real trading experience shared. Obviously you can find our trading main news on the finance page of …

English for business

English for business, trade and finance. Marketing, money, commerce and letter writing, a complete short summary course (Free PDF) for schools and universities, but not only for students. Economics is the social …

Languages of the world

                                                                                 1st language               2nd language Mandarin Chinese                                     …

Professional Jokes

Professional jokes, some good English jokes about different professions and the world we live in. All womankind, from the highest to the lowest… love jokes; the difficulty is to know how they …

George Soros Quotes

I contend that financial markets never reflect the underlying reality accurately; they always distort it in some way or another and the distortions find expression in market prices. Those distortions can, occasionally, …

Warren Buffett Quotes

The line separating investment and speculation, which is never bright and clear, becomes blurred still further when most market participants have recently enjoyed triumphs. Nothing sedates rationality like large doses of effortless …