Wellness best quotes
Wellness best quotes, aphorisms and ideas to discover the true meaning and essence of living in a good state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Health is a state of complete …
Wellness best quotes, aphorisms and ideas to discover the true meaning and essence of living in a good state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Health is a state of complete …
The essence of aphorisms, an article that explains the laws of aphorism by James Geary with an introduction of Carl William Brown on this kind of literary and philosophical original genre. The …
Wisdom of proverbs. An article that analyzes the importance of great proverbs that is the best sentences of wisdom and irony in the English language and culture. For proverbs are the pith, …
The nature and essence of literature. A short summary of English and American Literary and Historic Topics, with great quotes and aphorisms. (with a pdf file) Every interpretation of a text is …
Francis Picabia Quotes, thoughts, ideas and genial provocative quotations, a text that can help to understand the real essence of Surrealism and Dadaism. The devil follows me day and night because he …