Thoughts, ideas and reflections on food
Thoughts, ideas and reflections on food. A text with some good opinions and meditations on food, the art of eating well and useful links to various resources on the topic. An anonymous …
Thoughts, ideas and reflections on food. A text with some good opinions and meditations on food, the art of eating well and useful links to various resources on the topic. An anonymous …
When someone has cancer, the whole family and everyone who loves them does, too. Terri Clark Cancer can take away all of my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot …
World English diffusion, English as a global world language and the various reasons of its wide diffusion through the centuries on the globe. I know your head aches. I know you’re tired. …
The essence of aphorisms, an article that explains the laws of aphorism by James Geary with an introduction of Carl William Brown on this kind of literary and philosophical original genre. The …
Principles of Daimonology, or better Synthetic principles of applied Daimonology, consisting of 100 aphorisms, maxims, ideas and thoughts sometimes enigmatic and a little humorous, on the dissemination and deepening of knowledge and …
Interesting articles to read? If you are looking for some of them, you can enjoy our guide to find some of the best free long and short articles of all time on …
Best quotes on AI, aphorisms, quotations, quotes, opinions, ideas, thoughts about Artificial Intelligence, its uses, and its possible future development. Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out …
Trivial pursuit game, its history and development with some subjects categories to clearly give an example of the playing activities, plus some very good links to great websites to play online and …
Alfred Jules Ayer quotes, quotations, aphorisms, ideas and thoughts about his philosophy explained in a very squashed article. The principles of logic and mathematics are true simply because we never allow them …
English, Greek and Latin, an article that explains how much the English language has been influenced and modified by the ancient Greek and Latin languages of the classical world. Why is it …
Environment climate question, a short article that compares the present scientific approach with what some experts used to say in 1970, that is 50 years ago Man has to awaken to wonder …
The majority of pacifists either belong to obscure religious sects or are simply humanitarians who object to taking life and prefer not to follow their thoughts beyond that point. But there is …