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Interesting articles to read

Interesting articles to read

Interesting articles to read
Interesting articles to read

Interesting articles to read? If you are looking for some of them, you can enjoy our guide to find some of the best free long and short articles of all time on science, technology, Artificial Intelligence, health, wealth, relationships and self and many others.

In Internet you can find many collections of free articles to read online, such as James Clear’s list of interesting articles and essays on topics like health, happiness, productivity and more. Additionally, JSTOR and Artstor offer millions of journal articles, ebooks, images, and other media available as Open Access or free to everyone. Finally, Longreads offers a variety of collections on topics such as identity and inspiration.

In this page therefore I can suggest you a list of useful links where to find interesting material and then a collection of articles I consider very stimulating, with a very short summary and most of the time also a nice image. Obviously you can profitably also use them for didactic purposes in schools, colleges and universities. Let’s go then!

Artificial intelligence Chatbots
Artificial intelligence Chatbots

Are AI chatbots off the rails or doing just what they were designed to do? Brown expert explains

As hosts of new AI-powered chatbots and technology become widely available, and questions surface on their limits and power, Brown scholar Michael Littman offers insights into a debate that will only grow louder. Brown University professor Michael Littman has been studying the applications and implications of AI for close to 40 years. He believes that AI chatbots are vulnerable to manipulation, and that people are good at eliciting problematic responses from them. He also believes that it is possible to create a machine that is self-aware, but that the AI community does not yet know how to do this. He suggests that AI chatbots could exist on a spectrum of life, and that they could be respected as a different kind of entity. Here you can read the full article. Enjoy!

Future building: towards a sustainable habitat. The UNESCO Courier

Architecture is an expression of the way we want to live. It engages our future, and is thus at the heart of contemporary issues – in particular sustainable development. One figure sums up the scale of the challenge: the building sector – including construction and energy consumption – represents 39% of global CO2 emissions. This illustrates the urgent need to lead a “green revolution” in architecture, not only to preserve our planet, but also to make it a more pleasant place to live. There is not just one way to achieve this: adapting to the specificities of climate, transforming existing buildings and their uses, or choosing sustainable and non-polluting materials are all options for architects, urban planners, engineers and decision makers. In this new and exciting issue of The UNESCO Courier, you will find inspiring and promising initiatives which have been boldly and creatively explored. Here you can read the full article. Enjoy!

How Switzerland controlled inflation
How Switzerland controlled inflation

The small European nation of Switzerland beat sky-high inflation. Here’s how.

Switzerland has largely avoided rampant inflation despite inflation rates hitting 29-year highs of 3.5% in 2022. The country has been able to avoid rampant inflation due to wealthy citizens, a strong Swiss franc, low reliance on oil and gas imports, and stringent price controls. The Swiss National Bank expects inflation to fall to 2.4% in 2023 and 1.8% in 2024. Switzerland’s ability to beat inflation can be attributed to its high GDP per capita, the backing of the Swiss franc by a large reserve of gold and financial assets. Lastly, Switzerland is less exposed to some volatile external factors that pushed prices higher in 2022, such as soaring oil and gas prices caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine, since Swiss energy suppliers are largely publicly owned and hydroelectricity accounts for more than a tenth of Switzerland’s energy consumption.
Here you can read the full article. Enjoy!

Top 10 stories that shaped the world
Top 10 stories that shaped the world

The top 10 stories that shaped the world

The Odyssey, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, One Thousand and One Nights, Don Quixote, William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude were voted as the top 10 stories that shaped the world. These stories have had a lasting impact on literature, culture, and society, and have been credited with influencing generations of writers, sparking conversations about race, slavery, and oppression, and providing a lens through which to view the world.
Here you can read the full article. Enjoy!

Best anti spam plugins for WordPress
Best anti spam plugins for WordPress

9 Best Anti-Spam WordPress Plugins (2023)

We’ve compiled a list of the best WordPress anti-spam plugins to help you combat unwanted comments, emails, and form submissions. Akismet is a great option for preventing spam, while WP Cerber Security offers additional security features. Other plugins to consider include Spam Protection, AntiSpam, FireWall by CleanTalk, Antispam Bee, WordPress Zero Spam, Titan Anti-Spam & Security, Captcha by BestWebSoft, WP Armour, and Stop Spammers Security. Protecting your site from spam increases the site’s security and ensures it won’t get slowed down by spam. Nexcess offers managed WordPress hosting plans to help keep your site secure. Here you can read the full article. Enjoy!

The best inspiring articles
The best inspiring articles

The 16 Most Inspiring, Life-Changing, Motivational Articles EVER!

With all the noise on the Internet, it’s sometimes hard to find uplifting, positive stories that make you want to be a better person. But they are there. You just have to look. So in an attempt to put out something positive, here’s my list of the most inspiring articles ever. I hope you find some inspiration here. And please, share your own most inspiring articles in the comment section.
Here you can read the full article. Enjoy!

The most popular articles in 2022
The most popular articles in 2022

The 10 Most Popular Articles in 2022 (So Far)

This article provides an overview of the 10 most popular articles of the year so far in 2022, which focus on topics such as toxic culture, top performers, meeting-free days, workforce ecosystems, toxic culture, happiness, no-meeting policies, cognitive budgeting, resilience, decision-making, and work design. These articles provide evidence-based resources to help managers lead their teams more effectively and build thriving workplaces. Here you can read the full article. Enjoy!

Who is Mister Putrid?
Who is Mister Putrid?

Pernicious Putrid portrait, a full and complete description of the Russian dictator.

Vladimir Putrid is an evil man who has started an illegal war in Ukraine in order to steal its natural resources. He is killing women and children, targeting hospitals, maternity homes, schools, and nurseries. He has contaminated the UK City of Salisbury in an attempt to kill a former double agent, and murdered a critic of Putrid in London. Putrid is making all the mistakes of Hitler and Stalin, and is the Don of dons in the Russian mafia. He is described as evil by many, and is popular outside Russia. He has a real army, nukes, and is macho. However, in the last 20 years, Russia has not made any real progress, and the population is much smaller than officially claimed. The number of Orthodox churches has doubled, but the level of religiosity in the population has not risen. Here you can read the full article. Enjoy!

More to come in the near future, but for the time being you can visit the following websites. Looking for some interesting articles to read? Enjoy some of the best free long and short articles of all time on health, wealth, relationships and self. Each year we publish tens of thousands of stories, covering music news and trends, political analysis, how culture is constantly shifting, and critical takes on our entertainment landscape. Help us fund our next story. We’ve published hundreds of original stories, all funded by you – including personal essays, reported features, and reading lists. Free Resources. Annual Reviews – Each year, I take a look at the previous twelve months and reflect on what went well, what could have gone better, and what I’m working toward.. Integrity Reports – The main purpose of my yearly Integrity Report is to document the steps I’m taking to set a higher standard in my work, lead with honesty, and build a business that serves first.  8 great places to find articles worth reading. The Internet is arguably the best news morgue on the planet right now. And apart from that great collection of old articles, thousands of new ones are added every day. The Electric Typewriter 150 Great Articles & Essays: Interesting Articles to Read Online The best short articles, nonfiction and essays from around the net – interesting articles and essays on every subject, all free to read online Life & Death Attitude by Margaret Atwood This is Water by David Foster Wallace Why Go Out? by Sheila Heti. Partnership with the Latin American Council of Social Sciences Images and media Artstor’s ever-growing public collections offer more than 1.3 million freely accessible images, videos, documents, and audio files from museums, archives, libraries, and faculty collections. Most of them are now accessible on JSTOR, too. Research reports.

In the meanwhile you can also have a look at these useful links about News:

The rise of Journalism, old and new press.

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