Yoga teaching

Yoga teaching, the importance of a good body fitness and a great mental form through great quotes, videos, links and tips about yoga, health, fitness, news and physical exercises. Yoga is not …

Reading Strategies

Reading Strategies And Techniques to develop an autonomous method of studying and learning. Plus other interesting and useful articles on the importance of reading. Where you only need the shallowest knowledge of …

We are what we do

We are what we do is a statement which creates the foundation of Ethics, if we behave properly and we do some good deeds, we can really improve the world I am …

Education quotes

Education quotes, aphorisms and quotations about education, school and learning, with some very brilliant and humorous thoughts by great authors of all time. Be circumspect how you offend schollers, for knowe, a …

The essence of grammar

The essence of grammar, an article written by a famous scholar explaining the importance, the main aspects and the difficulties of the fundamental structure of any language. Like everything metaphysical the harmony …

100 famous proverbs

Proverbs where largely collected and used by my old friend John Florio, but of course they were created and employed much earlier from a lot of other different writers all around the …

Wisdom of proverbs

Wisdom of proverbs. An article that analyzes the importance of great proverbs that is the best sentences of wisdom and irony in the English language and culture. For proverbs are the pith, …

English testing acronyms

English testing acronyms, teaching acronyms and testing acronyms, what they are and what they mean. English Cambridge certifications, definitions and duration. This post, English teaching acronyms and testing acronyms, what they are …