Health and Fitness
Health and Fitness News, quotes, and press feed with some useful tips and advices to keep fit, in a good mood and in a healthy body to tackle with modern life. Physical …
Health and Fitness News, quotes, and press feed with some useful tips and advices to keep fit, in a good mood and in a healthy body to tackle with modern life. Physical …
Ezra Pound best famous quotes, a brief collection of the most significant aphorisms of the great writer to better understand his poetics and his literary art. All my life I believed I …
Ezra Pound thoughts and reflections, a collection of his literary creations very useful to understand his poetics and his literary art, from the depths of poetry to the heights of philosophy. Poetry …
Ezra Pound quotes and aphorisms, a collection of his literary creations that resonate across generations. From the depths of poetry to the heights of philosophy, Pound’s words encapsulate the essence of human …
Christmas great quotes and memorable aphorisms by The world of English, that is the Blog and Carl William Brown. The purpose and cause of the incarnation was that He might illuminate …
Wise quotes from the Ancients, the best quotations and aphorisms from the old great Greek, Roman and oriental philosophers and thinkers who formed our culture. Educating the mind without educating the heart …
The essence of aphorisms, an article that explains the laws of aphorism by James Geary with an introduction of Carl William Brown on this kind of literary and philosophical original genre. The …
Great quotes on quotations, best aphorisms or ideas by famous authors, artists and writers on the shortest and wittiest philosophical form of literary expression. Since brevity is the soul of wit, and …
100 excellent quotes and aphorisms by great and famous authors to inspire your thoughts, give new life to your ideas and stimulate your critical thinking skills. Power is not a means, it …
100 famous quotes and aphorisms, a great selection of memorable immortal quotes from authors of all times edited for the World of English by Carl William Brown Time is very slow for …