Global Language and World Culture
We rise by lifting others.

We rise by lifting others.

We rise by lifting others.
We rise by lifting others.

DA Datta, DA Dayadhvam, DA Damyata, shantih, shantih, shantih! (Give, sympathize, control, peace, peace, peace).
T.S. Eliot from The Waste Land

No one has ever become poor by giving.
Anne Frank

We rise by lifting others.
Robert Ingersoll

Money’s a horrid thing to follow, but a charming thing to meet.
Henry James

It’s a very important thing to learn to talk with people you disagree with!
Pete Seeger

As a matter of fact we should think and believe that in its deep essence the business world is fundamentally human, and that technique without aesthetics in the long run does not interest anyone. The true language of commerce after all it is the natural conversation between human beings.
Carl William Brown

A good partnership must be useful and profitable not only for the different involved partners but for the whole society as well.
Carl William Brown

Cooperation is the common effort of a group for their mutual benefit. Cooperation is teamwork.
Cooperation is working together peacefully, since we are all in the same boat now.
Carl William Brown

We try to work through the different countries, through the web, the media and other different networks to encourage public opinion to support the historic and future role of English as the World ‘s common, unifying language, and to persuade lawmakers to adopt English as the official language at all levels of government.
Carl William Brown

Humans must always try to communicate something, even when it’s uncomfortable, painful, uneasy and our audience can only understand shit; because all art is political, my dear friends!
Carl William Brown

Art is life and life is art. So beauty is art, that is life, that is a form of genius. Therefore we can conclude that genius is art, life and beauty.
Carl William Brown

Whatever you do our Daimon Club for sure can do something for you too, and together we can do so much more! Join us!
Carl William Brown

To promote every sort of activity, to discover the enormous potentiality of the web, and to meet new friends and artists in a magic, exciting and amusing context of sharing and caring atmosphere!
Carl William Brown

The true language of commerce is the natural conversation between human beings.
Carl William Brown

We rise by following our Daimon
We rise by following our Daimon

We believe in fact, as also great innovators sustain, that the business world in its deepest essence is fundamentally human, and that the technique without aesthetics in the long run does not interest anyone.
Carl William Brown

First we are engaged in creating and promoting a brand, then we must keep well in mind that transforming a brand into a socially responsible leader doesn’t happen overnight by simply writing new marketing and advertising strategies. It takes effort to identify a vision that your customers will find credible and aligned with their values, as teaches us Simon Mainwaring.
Carl William Brown

Daimon is an inner force, an inner passion, a mixture of desires and aspirations. Our daimon is the genius that lives with us, good and evil at the same time. As Blake would say, it’s the marriage between heaven and hell. It’s death in life and life in death. It’s a kind of enthusiasm that guides us towards the search for knowledge, without believing in any superior entity. It’s an olistic approach to life that struggles against any form of vanity, of stupid power and false authority. It’s a form of magic, of ecstatic feeling, it’s the art of living for freedom without having to submit our inner thoughts to the banalities of our society. It’s a dream that gives hope to our intellect, it’s a mistery without solution. it’s the absurdity of our life, it’s a nonsensical joke. That’s why I thought to link the surrealistic poetics with the spirit of my creation, and that’s why the Daimon Club was born. Now I only hope to be able to communicate to other people this idea, and to divulge our love for equality, peace and freedom.
Carl William Brown

Our first goal is to create and cultivate a unique and innovative online network inspired from international managers, artists and scientists from all sectors in order to enhance real and effective marketing and social communication. Our main goal is to promote all the different branches of relationships to foster professional, intellectual and creative growth of the various actors of culture and economy, as well as contribute to the practical solution of specific problems related to our lives and professions. Aware of the fact that if you do not make works really great, and if you think only of mere money, in a few years all our efforts will be gone and no one will remember us!
Carl William Brown

So, if You have some ideas about culture, music, art, literature, science, technology, money, finance, love, language, education, humour, marketing and communication, then You can easily join Us!
Carl William Brown and the Daimon Club