The Putrid War, or the war of Putler, that is a series of short and definitive reflections with some aphorisms on the war in Ukraine, unleashed by the cruel and ferocious Russian president, written by the stateless literary avenger Carl William Brown.
The destructive forces of humanity are directly proportional to the scientific, technological, sociological, economic, political and military capabilities of its imbecility.
Carl William Brown
Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.
Mahatma Gandhi
If the enemy is intelligent, a form of peaceful protest could be fine, such as strikes; but if the enemy is a stupid fucking bastard criminal who governs in a dictatorial way, then we need to arm ourselves, we need a violent revolution, we need to kill. Mors tua, vita mea.
Carl William Brown
Allah is an enemy to unbelievers. – Sura 2:98 On unbelievers is the curse of Allah. – Sura 2:161 And remember, Putrid the stupid Russian is a great unbeliever.
Carl William Brown
Tolstoy said that if you feel pain, you’re alive, and if you feel other people’s pain, you’re a human being; otherwise you’re the present Putrid president of the Russian confederation.
Carl William Brown
I suggest to change the name of the stupid, ferocious, fierce, savage, vicious, wild, grim, murderous and shitty russian president, from now on he will be called Mister Putrid!
Carl William Brown
Always remember that as Louis Gauthier used to say, le ridicule ne tue pas, mais il met mal à l’aise.
Carl William Brown
They insist on not calling the Russian president by his real name, that is Putrid, furthermore Russia has not been expelled from the G20 or the UN, which means only one thing, the whole world is complicit in this criminal war against Ukraine, testifying to the fact that on this planet, already defined by Voltaire as the toilet of the universe, the stupid cruelty, the nefarious indifference, and the greedy ignorance of the economy, still reign unchallenged, leading us more and more to believe that the human species would only deserve to disappear forever.
Carl William Brown
Europe and NATO must get moving, train a few million mercenaries, of all colors, and send them well armed to restore democracy to Russia and give a lesson to the filthy putrid. You enter from the border with Ukraine and then shoot on sight, all those you meet must die and then proceed to Moscow. In Moscow, in Moscow, as Chekhov’s three sisters said. Now that’s the way it is, if you want peace, you have to prepare to make war, other than sanctions of my balls.
Carl William Brown
Russian filmmaker Arkady TIGAY: “Ukraine gave birth to us, Russians, fed, nurtured and brought us into people, gave us literature and faith – that’s why it is “nanny”, and Kyiv is “the mother of Russian cities.” Born in the Dnieper Kupel, we grew up, went around the world, got rich, motherfucker, and now, having piled on Ukraine with all our huge son’s carcass, we really rape our own mother, and we do it with delight and giggle from a distance… Hey, Russian men, aren’t you sick of this abomination yet? “
Definition of putrid. 1a: being in a state of putrefaction, rotten. b: of, relating to, or characteristic of putrefaction; foul a putrid odor. 2a: morally corrupt. b: totally objectionable. 3a: current and filthy president of Russia. Other Words from putrid Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym Example Sentences Learn More about putrid.
It seems increasingly likely that Vladimir Putin is heading towards a historic defeat. He may win all the battles but lose the war, says Yuval Noah Harari, a famous historian, he argues that Putin is casting himself in the role of Hitler!
Yuval Noah Harari

If Putrid were not a war criminal he could have made a coup in turn, the problem is that in Ukraine he is not liked by the majority of the population and not even in the rest of the world, so sooner or later he will have to be eliminated, vice versa he will remain always a good symbol for attacking the wickedness and stupidity of the human race.
For a philanthropist Putrid is worth less than a hair of the cock or the great Shakespeare, metaphorically speaking. However the old Stalin in Ukraine made three million deaths with the genocide that goes by the name of Holodomor, for which the miserable Putrid is worth even less than a hair of the cock or the mustache, who among other things at least loved Shakespeare and the ballet .
Carl William Brown
Frederick II King of Prussia once said: “If my soldiers started thinking, no one would stay in my ranks.”. That’s why a dictator who favors war is without brain just as well, capable of nothing, but only of a good action, that of dying.
Carl William Brown
Putrid, the Russian president, should know that peace is more precious than a piece of land. But he is in thrall to a distinctive brand of Russian fascism. That is why his country is such a threat to Ukraine, the West and his own people.
Carl William Brown
This war of Russia against Ukraine and the alleged Nazism of the West demonstrates without a shadow of a doubt that more than a clash of civilizations, as some poor intellectuals affirm, we are in the presence of an immense triumph of the imbecility of human cruelty.
Carl William Brown
It must be clear that Russia and his putrid president have caused this war, therefore they must pay all the damages, sooner or later; otherwise they will be forever subject to the cultural attacks and sanctions of the civilized world.
Carl William Brown
Putrid is not a Tsar, he is a real war criminal, and in Ukraine more than a crisis there is a bloody atrocious genocide of civilians, therefore international media should use the tragic appropriate words.
Carl William Brown
Odessa under attack. Largest Ukrainian refinery destroyed. EU: “Atrocity of the Russians, we need an investigation into war crimes”. If we wait a little longer to teach the Russians and their rotten president a lesson, Europe will be destroyed, both by war, and by pollution, by sanctions, by the cost of energy and raw materials, and by humanitarian emergency caused by refugees arriving from all over and not just from Ukraine, and by the stupidity of all the rulers of the world.
Carl William Brown
Moscow once again dreams of the role of third Rome, however the only thing that brings it closer to the memorable eternal city of the famous Roman Empire is the large number of whores present in its territory.
Carl William Brown

If Putrid does not suspend the war, I propose to establish an international prize for those who do their utmost to sabotage or eliminate anything that has to do with Russia. Obviously, the law must also provide, as in war, incentives for murders.
Carl William Brown
First strike, before it’s too late, even because this putrid man is too boring.
Carl William Brown
Russian athletes must be banned from all international competition, they are serving a dictator, and this sad story must come to an end. This shit must understand respect for other people, but since he can’t, he must be eliminated.
Carl William Brown
The putrid president of the great Russian nation has always had the presumption of wanting to enter the history of human imbecility, and unfortunately, thanks to the war, we must say that he is succeeding.
Carl William Brown
I would like to know why we are indulging so long to declare a full war to russia and to start with the first multiple nuclear strike; it’s ridiculous that so many nations are to be bothered by such a miserable bully whose name is the lurid putrid.
Carl William Brown
The end of the world would certainly be much better than continuing to hear these Russian assholes. We would need a good global nuclear war and the destruction of all humanity, in fact I think that its survival is completely useless, as well as nefarious. However, I am left with only one great regret, that is, I don’t think everyone will die, unfortunately.
Carl William Brown
There can be no alliance between Russia and the West, either for the sake of interests or for the sake of principles. There is not a single interest, not a single trend in the West, which does not conspire against Russia, especially her future, and does not try to harm her. Therefore Russia’s only natural policy towards the West must be to seek not an alliance with the Western powers but their disunion and division. Only then will they not be hostile to us, not of course out of conviction, but out of impotence.
Fyodr Tyutchev, Poet and Slavophile, 1864
Imagine Crimea is yours and the wart on your nose is no more.… This deed will win you immortal glory greater than any Russian Sovereign. Crimea assures dominance of the Black Sea.… Russia needs paradise!
Prince Grigory Potemkin in correspondence with Empress Catherine the Great
Vladimir Putrid does not accept that Russia and Ukraine are two different nations. As he told the documentary filmmaker Oliver Stone, “I’m deeply convinced that the Ukrainian people and the Russian people are not simply close relatives. They are almost the same.” Moreover, he does not believe that Ukraine is really a separate state, as he told George W. Bush in 2008. And so he ordered to bomb and kill his own people, that’s why he is a war criminal and must be condemned and eliminated.
Carl William Brown

Putrid was now emboldened to mobilize separatist groups in the Donbas region who resented Kyiv and favored closer ties to Russia, just as Russia had done in Transnistria, South Ossetia, and Abkhazia. No sooner had Crimea been annexed than new groups of little green men, a motley assortment of Soviet Afghan veterans, Russian intelligence agents, mercenaries, disgruntled pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens who felt neglected by Kyiv, Cossacks, Russians from Transnistria, and Chechens dispatched by their leader Ramzan Kadyrov, began to appear in Southeastern Ukraine, particularly Donetsk and Luhansk, and repeated the Crimean scenario, systematically taking over municipal buildings.
They were called separatists because they supported secession from Ukraine, but they were in fact insurgents armed by Moscow and led by often feuding Russian and Ukrainian warlords, yet with one common ambition: to wrest Southeastern Ukraine from Kyiv’s rule and reunite it with Mother Russia. The Donbas has had a particularly difficult time coping with the aftermath of the Soviet collapse and many of its inhabitants still regard themselves as Soviet, as opposed to Russian or Ukrainian, so they were receptive to these insurgents.
From Putrid’s World a book published in 2019
This absurd and tragic conflict, which upsets Ukraine and directly involves Europe in many unpleasant ways, once again shows us the arrogance and cruelty of the putrid men of power; at the same time it highlights the stupidity, ignorance, indifference and poverty of the miserable human beings who make it possible through their criminal actions and their fanatical convictions, full of hatred and atavistic frustrations.
Finally, the very sad scenario is completed by the various commentators, who make us understand how the extermination of the opposite faction has always been a completely ethically approved practice, especially in war times. Furthermore we also discover that we Europeans, slaves of the Americans, according to the religious and political Russian propaganda, would be a people of Nazis and Homosexuals, therefore, in order to fill these abstruse ideas with some classical semantic logic, I would propose to create a Militia of well armed peacemakers of good sacred will that would have the kind task of arresting any person of Russian origin, together with all those who in any case support their goals, in order to be afterward sanitized by throwing them as garbage in the various waste-to-energy plants on European soil.
Only in this way could we give a complete meaning to the claims of our counterpart, triggering at the same time that fruitful dialectic between peoples of different ideas and cultures so useful for living in a friendly social community and for the development of a serene human civilization on our foul and insignificant small planet.
Carl William Brown
Vladimir Putrid does not accept that Russia and Ukraine are two different nations, he thinks they are not simply close relatives, but they are almost the same. And so he ordered to bomb and kill his own people, that’s why he is a war criminal and must be condemned and eliminated.
Carl William Brown
Russia is a land of infidels, filthy, rotten, atrocious and arrogant warmongers, for this reason according to the Fatwa I launch today, it will have to be hit in every possible form forever and ever. Amen, Allah is great.
Carl William Brown
Poo-tin would deserve a good lesson. If it were up to me, Moscow would already have gone the way of Dresden in World War II. Peace and love, destroy putrid the stupid dictator.
Carl William Brown

To the ideologue of putrid and of the third rome, mors tua, vita mea. And then in Russia, cremation is very cheap, with all the gas they have. But maybe they will want to bury her directly in the Olympus of the gods … However she passed to better life, after all she was luckier than her father, and after all she deserved it, women are always the best.
Carl William Brown
Famous rulers of Russia, Ivan the terrible, Peter the great, Alexander the blessed, Stalin the mustache, and last but not least Putrid the jerk.
Carl William Brown
Carlo Cipolla says that a stupid person is the most dangerous type of person, and I can easily add that Mister Putrid, the Russian president, is certainly very stupid and unsafe.
Carl William Brown
I suggest to change the name of the stupid, ferocious, fierce, savage, vicious, wild, grim, murderous and shitty Russian president, from now on he will be called Mister Putrid!
Carl William Brown
Russia with its filthy and rotten lurid putrid president, denying the evidence of its cruelty, does nothing but reaffirm the reality of its stupid atrocity.
Carl William Brown
The Native Americans were very nice, but they had too much territory for their needs, and we know what happened to them; in the same way the Russians have many raw materials, too many for their needs, and I hope that the sentient world knows how to regulate itself in this regard, not as when it foolishly did not facilitate the work of the great uncles. Few words for the wise.
Carl William Brown
In the Russia of the filthy Putrid it is now a social alarm: students and housewives who occasionally sell themselves to buy “a little more”. It is estimated that almost half of women between 18 and 44 who earn less than two thousand euros a month do so. This is what can be read in professional articles on prostitution in Moscow, where out of a population of 18 million, there would be at least 3 million women dedicated in some way to the oldest profession in the world.
The third Rome therefore with good reason aspires to be the capital of a vast empire, namely that of arms, arrogance, censorship, war crimes, stupidity and cruelty of its rulers, and last but not least , of the whores, which, even according to the putrid, are among the most beautiful and talented in the world. Moral of the story, given how Russia is behaving towards its Ukrainian cousins and also Europe, I would propose in order to deputanize and sanitize this arrogant and squalid territory, the use of a fair number of bombs, of various types to be dropped on Moscow and other populous cities of Russia, in order to make them appreciate the variegated pleasures of war and also to make them meditate on the concepts and meanings of culture, empire, authority, coexistence, civilization and stupidity.
After all, the West, as they call it, has weapons and bombs at will, and then when they are needed, we want to use them or not, or we want to continue spending and investing in armaments and then never use them, this modus operandi it certainly does not honor our species and the coherence of the technological, scientific and philosophical logic that should guide our pilgrimage to this earth, or rather, to quote Voltaire on this planet, the famous and infamous toilet of the universe.
Carl William Brown

Moscow is a city that has everything and despite being a metropolis with almost 18 million inhabitants, it is very well cared for, on a manic level. That’s why it should be high time to bomb it, so that they can understand the pleasure of war.
Carl William Brown
The lurid putrid miserable Russian dictator poo-tin has less neurons in his brain than those contained in a dick hair of the great Pasternak.
Carl William Brown
I hope some nice nukes will be used soon against the putrid poo tin and its stupid and meaningless nation, this is my peaceful thought. Amen.
Carl William Brown
Proof that Putrid is a poor foolish psychopath is that after unleashing a war against a nation of over 40 million inhabitants, he complains about the falsity of the Western world and its aggression. But not even Hitler was that stupid!
Carl William Brown
Moreover, Hitler was even more likeable, he impersonated an evil character and therefore in the end he even seemed a funny parody of the devil, on the contrary Putin has the face of a harmless country pig, but on the contrary he is the devil himself.
Carl William Brown
We have so many nuclear bombs, I really can’t understand why we can’t start using them against the lurid putrid Russian dictator. It’s better to destroy the whole planet than having such a cretin on the earth surface.
Carl William Brown
To all men of good will in the world, don’t you think it’s high time to export some democracy into Putrid Russian territory?
Carl William Brown
I would like to know why we are indulging so long to declare a full war to Russia and to start with the first multiple nuclear strike; it’s ridiculous that so many nations are to be bothered by such a miserable bully whose name is the lurid putrid.
Carl William Brown

As Karl Popper says, a nation is democratic when it is capable of depriving its incapable rulers of power, and I add cruelty, too; for this reason Russia ruled by the filthy putrid is nothing but a dirty dictatorship that deserves to be sanitized.
Carl William Brown
And if it were all an agreement, even with Russia, to continue planning Davos, the fourth industrial revolution and the continuous decay of the quality of life and well-being of the European peoples? Unfortunately, this is the result.
Carl William Brown
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